On May, 8th, 2023, we visited the juvenile prison for mothers and their children in Erbil, affiliated to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The aim of this visit was to help the children who were inside the prison, which consisted of 36 children, boys and girls. The aid includes a set of shoes and clothes for children. The main goal of the NTHK organization was to support these children so that they feel safe as if they were normal people outside the prison. After that, we had many conversations with the prison director Mr. Tayyib Abdulaziz Ahmed, to provide various other charitable works inside the prison. We promised them that we would provide more assistance to them and the Kurdistan / Iraq government.

on May 18th 2023, we visited them again. And the purpose of this visit was to help and support both departments (Juvenile Prison for Mothers and their Children as well as the Shelter Centre). The assistance to the Juvenile Prison included shoes and clothes for 16 children who were present inside the prison. We donated 10 baskets of various foodstuffs to the Shelter centre. We were greeted with a standing ovation by the director of the Juvenile Prison ‏Mr. Tayeb Abdulaziz, and also received by the director of the Shelter Centre Ms. Tavga Faidullah.